SafeGuard Cyber Security Consulting




Safeguard Cyber Security is a leading provider of comprehensive cyber consulting services. Our team of experts specializes in identifying and mitigating cyber risks, ensuring your business is safe from potential threats. With our state-of-the-art technology solutions and industry-best practices, we deliver effective strategies tailored to your unique needs. Trust us to secure your digital infrastructure, data, and sensitive information. Take control of your cyber security today with Safeguard Cyber Security!


The key to Cyber Security are your foundations.

“When you build a house, you always begin with the foundations. Cyber security is no different.”

Ensure that your foundations are right first, then build up from there.

     Founder, James Tewes

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Allow us to be your  trusted partner in safeguarding your business against cyber threats, providing outstanding virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services tailored to your unique needs.

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cyber gap analysis

In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, understanding and addressing vulnerabilities is essential to fortify your organization against evolving threats. Safeguard Cyber Security offers comprehensive Cybersecurity Gap Analysis services to empower your business with a clear understanding of its current security posture and a roadmap to bridge the gaps

vCTO - Infrastructure/DEvelopment

We understand that technology is not just a support function; it’s a driving force behind your business success. Our vCTOs bring extensive experience and strategic vision to the table, aligning your technology initiatives with your overall business objectives.

Cyber Security Breaches

In the United Kingdom, the average cost of a cybersecurity breach continues to be a significant concern for businesses across various sectors. According to the UK government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey, which regularly assesses the impact of cyber incidents on UK organizations, the average cost of a cybersecurity breach varies depending on the size and nature of the business.

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the average cost of a cyber breach could range from several thousand to tens of thousands of pounds. However, for larger enterprises, the costs can escalate dramatically, potentially reaching hundreds of thousands or even millions of pounds.

These costs encompass various factors, including direct financial losses such as investigation and remediation expenses, regulatory fines, and legal fees. Additionally, indirect costs such as business interruption, reputational damage, and loss of customer trust significantly contribute to the overall financial impact of cyber incidents.

The UK government and regulatory bodies have been actively working to raise awareness and promote cybersecurity best practices among businesses to mitigate the risk of cyber breaches and minimize their financial repercussions. However, the evolving nature of cyber threats underscores the importance of continuous investment in cybersecurity measures to protect UK businesses from the potentially devastating financial consequences of cyberattacks.

Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Managed Detection and Response combines cutting-edge open XDR technology, multi‑signal threat intelligence, and the industry’s only 24/7 Elite Threat Hunters to help you build a more resilient security operation today.

Esentire Partner

FULL Threat visability & investigation

See the complete  picture of your attack surface with multi-signal
intelligence enabling deeper correlation and investigation capabilities, proven to contain threats faster.


24/7 Threat Hunting
& Disruption

Be confident you’re continuously protected by our SOC Analysts
and Elite Threat Hunters who rapidly investigate, contain and close down threats when an automated response isn’t possible. 




Atlas XDR
Cloud Platform

Stay ahead of new and  emerging threats with high fidelity detection and automated real-time threat disruption powered by unique intelligence from across our global
customer community.


Original Threat

Add world class threat researchers to your
team to hunt the most advanced undetected
threats. Our Threat Response Unit (TRU)
delivers original research, curates threat intelligence
and builds new detection models to ensure you stay
ahead of attackers.


Rapid, Robust

See even the most advanced threats disrupted, isolated and
stopped with a Mean Time to Contain of less than 15 minutes. We detect in seconds and contain in minutes so your business is never disrupted. 

Cyber Consulting

Are You Looking to understand the best path for your business?

Cyber Security Statistics 2023

global average data breach cost (£m)

Cyber Security Breach increase, since 2021

percent of organizations seing an increase in cyber attacks since the start of the Russia-Ukraine War.

Cyber security attacks

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